I'm Emily Field

and I’m not your average Registered Dietitian.

I’ll teach you how to eat a balanced diet using a macros approach so you can break up with nonsense food rules (you can eat carbs after dark!) and ditch depriving diets for good.

Embracing a macros approach empowers my clients to confidently eat more, support their hormones and improve their metabolisms—while leaving behind nutrition phobias and body transformation skepticisms. But, if you’re sitting there thinking that sounds crazy unattainable, my former self would agree with you.

Nutrition can be complicated, confusing and often contradictory. I know because I lived it.

I used to substitute margarine for butter, blotted the oil off my pizza and skipped the guacamole. I told myself frozen Healthy Choice meals were enough to satisfy and FiberOne bars didn’t taste like cardboard. I even set out to transform my family’s favorite banana bread recipe, in all of its ooey gooey goodness, because it was inherently “bad” and I needed it to fit my definition of healthy.

Do you know what happens when you substitute butter, sugar and egg yolks from a recipe that depends on those ingredients? Nothing good, my friends.

There I was, a practicing Registered Dietitian on her way to a Master’s degree, in the midst of a complete meltdown over banana bread. Even though my resume suggested I was an authority on nutrition, I realized that my own way of eating wasn’t working.


That was the turning point when I asked myself how I would teach someone else: Was it by sharing a meal plan or a “good foods/bad foods” list? Was it by quantifying meals in points? Naw. You can’t effectively quantify Mom’s lasagna to the size and thickness of your palms.

Teaching people what their food is made of (read: macros) is basic nutrition education. And, by going back to basics myself without messy concepts of food morality, I changed how I felt and looked almost overnight. No joke.

By the time I finished my Masters in Public Health, I knew I was on the right path because I felt the fire for teaching nutrition once again—and that passion only deepened as I witnessed my clients have the same “aha moments” inspired by macros.

Here’s the thing: Eating what you want and feeling how you want aren’t mutually exclusive realities. By understanding how macros uniquely affect your body, you can look your best, feel your best and stress less for life.

You shouldn’t need credentials after your name to unlock your body’s peak performance or pick dinner from a menu. Tracking macronutrients may sound complicated, but it’s really a straightforward approach that will decomplicate nutrition forever—and I’m here to help you get started on the path to eating without fear, guilt or stress.

my favorites

for fun.

lifting heavy things, walking the pup, outside activities


true crime, celebrity, long form conversational, pop culture

2 truths and a lie.

I used to be a synchronized swimmer. I use Internet Explorer as my default browser. I watch YouTube videos of chiropractic appointments to unwind.





coffee order.

cold brew + oat milk

for fun. lifting heavy things, walking the pup, outside activities

podcasts. true crime, celebrity, log form conversational, pop culture

2 truths and a lie. I used to be a synchronized swimmer. I use Internet Explorer as my default browser. I watch YouTube videos of chiropractic appointments to unwind.

tendency. questioner

enneagram. 3w2

coffee order. cold brew + oat milk