macro upgrade your oats

Picture this: you just got back from girl’s weekend at the cabin.⁣

You’re feeling pretty lousy upon re-entry. Maybe you feel like you enjoyed yourself a little *too* much🍷, by which I mean bottomless puppy chow, pizza in PJs and heavy, late night pours. ⁣

You’re determined to “get back on track” by slashing calories – lord knows you had more than enough this weekend! Woof!⁣

It’s day 3 of cardboard oats, iceberg lettuce, and dry chicken and you’re wondering how long you can commit. All of a sudden you’re inhaling chips + salsa at work happy hour and shoveling down takeout over the trashcan when you get home. ⁣

Or, things go differently this time. Girls weekend was a blast – and what happens at the cabin stays at the cabin. Getting back to responsibilities means you need to be on top of your game with energy and focus. You ain’t got time for hangry – let alone self-loathing. You’re eating meals that make you feel good and that keep you satisfied, which means PFC (protein, fat + carbs) from real, whole ingredients. ⁣

If you want to interrupt the typical patterns, ask yourself what you can add to meals, not what you should take away. This shift can make all the difference.