what you thought I said about cardio

What you heard me say vs. what I really said.

I field a lot of questions from people about the perfect exercise prescription for looking fit, being strong, and becoming lean. Whether it’s in the DMs or in personalized macro calculations I’m gonna be direct and say: I’m not anti-cardio. I’m anti-doing-something-you-hate-because-you-think-it-will-deliver-results-that-it-actually-won’t. ⁣

And what do I see most often? 

People doing too much cardio on too little fuel thinking it will reveal their dream body.


> cardio will kill your gains

> you can never do cardio again

> I don’t believe in cardio

> you don’t need cardio

> cardio is not good for you

> you can’t gain muscle doing cardio


…undereating your needs paired with doing too much cardio will hinder lean muscle gain even if you strength train.

…your current routine that includes mostly cardio will not yield the results you are asking for: looking fit, being strong, becoming lean.

…some forms of cardio can actual lead to significant lean muscle gain but not in the absence of adequate fuel + progressive overload.

Be active in the ways that you love. Match your fuel to your activity. Match your activity to your goals. 

The goal is always to be eating enough to support the activities you love. Whether that’s lifting, running, Crossfit, cycling, swimming, hiking, skiing and/or the combination of all of it!⁣