I wasn’t “that bad”.
I deserved the dessert.
I only drink on the weekends.
I ate lighter to make room for dinner.
I only see these girls ever couple months.
The truth is, if you’re not tracking macros on the weekend, it’s much easier than you think to blow your macros by 800, 1000, even 1250+ calories without even trying.
Don’t believe me? Take a swipe to see some full day examples.

And yes, I’m usually talking about how ya’ll are probably not eating enough to see the lean, strong muscle gains and fat loss results that you want.
But the bigger picture?
Eating like a bird during the week, which might be intentional or unintentional, and mentally checking out on the weekends.
Don’t let this post freak you out! Rather, let it be a reminder than you absolutely can blow your progress over the weekend – and even if you’re not in one of those “YOLO” moods.
You’re better off
1. with a macro prescription that encourages you to eat up to your needs (not drastically under them)
2. tracking macros on most days to remind yourself how much food is appropriate for you
3. making small changes to your eating pattern that move you closer to your goals at a steady pace.
If you need help with that VERY first step, download my DIY Macros Guide.