Do you know what it feels like when you’re well fed?
>> calm, consistent energy all day.
>> full and satisfied between meals.
>> restful sleep.
>> clear, bright skin.
>> zero munchie cravings.
>> power for your workouts.
>> no tummy troubles.
Is your current grab-and-go snack delivering on that? Probs not.
Making the simple switch from a carb heavy packaged snack for a whole foods based, macro balanced one can mean the difference between:
>> diving head first into the chip bag because you can’t wait for dinner – and calmly sitting down to your homemade meal that you’re just-enough hungry (not starving) for.
>> scavenging the kitchen for a second breakfast because you’re already annoyingly hungry a couple hours after eating – and cruising calmly through your morning with focus.
>> being known as the “snack lady” because you must always be prepared to prevent hangry – and leaving food at home where it belongs, feeling confident in your being satiated for hours.
Pictured here are a couple of rice cakes (C) + hummus (F) + deli turkey (P), cream cheese (F) + smoked salmon (PF) that will absolutely work harder for you than that sugar bomb in bar form.
How can you upgrade your snacks to make them work harder for you? If you need help with this – download my 2 ingredient snack guide that will have you punching hangry in the face!