Bacon, walnuts, avocados, olive oil, coconut, chicken thighs – oh my!
The roles of fat in the diet are far reaching, but the one that plays out early and catches the attention of my clients? How great they feel after they start eating meals with a balance of protein, carbs AND fat.
>> satisfied
>> full
>> steady energy
>> even keeled
>> content
And here’s the thing: even if calories are kept exactly the same, the eating pattern with adequate fat feels dramatically different (read: better!) compared to the eating pattern with inadequate fat.
Fat blunts the blood sugar response to meals which means after eating a meal with fat, you’re fuller, more satisfied and content.
The alternative? You’re munchie, craving and white-knuckling your way through the day when you skimp on fat.

Look, those items might catch your attention, but fat is used for all kinds of functions in the body.
We use fat to:
>> reduce inflammation in the body and keep metabolism functioning
>> increase the palatability of food to make meals more savory, appetizing and enjoyable
>> produce and regulate hormones
>> enhance the absorption of specific vitamins such as D, E, A, K
>> provide insulation and protection to internal organs
>> support cell membrane structure
And even though fat has SO many crucial jobs in the body, most people, especially active women, are confused about how much they need and how much is too much or too little because there is conflicting information EvErYwHeRe. In this fat series, I a few subsequent posts, I’ll share some details about how much you need, how to hit various targets, and fat-rich food ideas for meals and snacks so you can start incorporating right away!
And even though fat has SO many crucial jobs in the body, most people, especially active women, are confused about how much they need and how much is too much or too little because there is conflicting information EvErYwHeRe. In this fat series, I a few subsequent posts, I’ll share some details about how much you need, how to hit various targets, and fat-rich food ideas for meals and snacks so you can start incorporating right away!