If you LOVE food, but it also kinda stresses you out – you sound like many of the women I work with.
You’re not wrong for feeling this way. With fear mongering clickbait headlines that make us feel like we can’t trust our bodies, it can be hard to sit in a single feeling (let alone pure joy) while we eat. Sometimes the inner dialogue about what’s on our plates is SO loud:
Is this too much?
Is this not enough?
Will this hurt me?
You’re eating again?
Do I need this?
How do I know what I need?
Am I satisfied?
I’m hungry, right?
What would satisfy me
Is this good for me?
Food should bring pleasure. It’s an expression of care for yourself and others. Let it be a form of communication. But don’t let it have so much power that it overwhelms you.
If, through a little education and focus, your internal dialogue about food and eating does not improve, it’s worth it to work that out alongside a professional.