How do you prefer your oats?
For me, it comes down to my mood, what I have going on in my day, and what my future meals look like.
If I’m in the mood for carbs on I’ll load up the fresh, dried or frozen fruit. If I’m craving fats, I’ll load up on nuts, seeds and coconut products.
I know that fats are slower to digest, so I reach for fat-rich oats when I have a long, busy morning ahead. I know that carbohydrates digest quickly, so I reach for a carb-rich meal to fuel up pre-workout.
If I’ve got a plan for my day and the meals lean carb-heavy, I’m eating up that fat-rich oatmeal. The opposite is true, too! If the meals lean fat-heavy, I’m eating that carb-rich oatmeal in the AM.
Hitting your macro targets doesn’t mean you’re blindly eating to an arbitrary number. You get to dictate how hard those macros work *for* you through the meals you create.
Are you team fats or team carbs today?