It all started with a weight loss goal.
You met your friends for walks in the neighborhood. You started showing up for bootcamp classes at the gym. You signed up for your first 5k.
You started cooking more at home. You swapped side salads or veggies for fries. You ditched soda or juice for water. Protein centered your meals, instead of carbs.
Focusing on that weight loss goal started it all – and look at you now! You are proud of the habits you’ve cultivated. All your friends and family can even see how far you’ve come.
So, when you’re used to seeing scale weight tick down and down and down as a direct response to you making better, healthier choices – it can become a mind warp when it doesn’t anymore.
What if the scale stays the same? If the scale goes up – what does that mean?
A weight loss goal can only carry you so far. Eventually, your ability to use weight loss as a measure for progress ends.
So, be ok with two truths in your example: focusing on weight loss worked for you for awhile and now, it’s no longer an appropriate means for measuring progress or success.
Thankfully, there are plenty of ways to measure progress and success without using body weight at all.